The attraction of online learning is the convenience of time and space. Students may work from their own homes during self-arranged hours. The downside is that students do not have access to the many services and resources that are available on campus. The resources provided here are designed to improve this situation and can further support your online coursework and strategies.
Instructional Strategies for Online Courses
Everyone has their own “style” for collecting and organizing information into useful knowledge, and the online environment can be particularly well suited to some learning styles and personality needs. Online learning environments are used to their highest potential for collaborative learning which complements many students’ learning styles, and independent learners have also found online courses to be well suited to their needs. This article explores the various learning styles and their impact on online learning.
Online Help Desk
This is the ultimate source of information and support for any of the online services offered at Great Bay Community College. Students, faculty and staff can find information about accessing email, Blackboard and the Student Information System (SIS) along with other helpful information.
Self-Evaluation for Potential Online Students
Are you a good candidate for online learning? Will online learning fit your circumstances, lifestyle, and educational needs? This self-evaluation contains some basic questions to ask yourself in deciding if an online program is right for you.
What Makes A Successful Online Student?
Online students of today consist primarily of working people who are trying to better their opportunities. This however is changing, as more and more young and older people become aware of the online model. The traditional school will never go away, but the virtual classroom is a significant player in today’s educational community. Corporations are using the online model to train technical professionals while private and public universities redefine the world as their markets. The market for students is expanding rapidly. In general, the online student should possess the specific qualities discussed in this article.